本帖最后由 casdu_ran 于 2019-1-7 08:51 编辑
ywl0802 发表于 2019-1-6 16:16
maybe you could write them in english. if this idea will not take u too much time. and for vanity, m ...
why english? this is a chinese form... everybody speak chinese? what's vinity?
i check wiki: Vanity is the excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others
what's your point?
i might try english when chinese input is broken....
han yu pin ying also works!
==== not related to this comment
i saw your log on strava with a many running records,
Please be carefuly reading the following message:
Pleease be careful
If you are not serious about cycling
qing bu yao du xia mian de...
just block this id, post, my self, block everything from me
however, if just a tiny piece of possibility that you are serious about cyling:
do this:
it's so powerful to me, hope it can help you :)